Saturday, December 15, 2007

I am lame

I attempted to swim this AM, but the lanes were set up for a meet. Mind you, there were still lanes open for lap swimmers, but if I tried to swim that far- I don't even know how far that is, but it looked about 2 miles long- I probably would have drowned.

I decided to try out the recumbent bike. I did it for 30 minutes... and I feel like a total wimp, because it kicked my butt.

I'll definitely be feeling it tomorrow!


Dana said...

Trust me,you are not lame! I did the recumbent bike once. Notice I only said once,because my butt was sore the next day as well. You don't realize how much of your butt muscles you are using when you are on that thing.

Amy said...

Swimming is very hard. Too hard for me. Hey! I stumbled onto your blog from I saw the name 12south and I was thinking... is that the nashville 12south? and it was! So thats cool. Anyway, just thought I'd say hey! I have a running blog, too...

I'll be checking back! good luck with the swimming and the training!