Friday, December 14, 2007

28 Minutes

28 minutes was all I could do.

I attempted to swim yesterday. Not aqua jog... but straight up swim. Freestyle. Laps.

I was in the lane next to the high school swim team that practices there. They were awesome. They made me feel totally inadequate, but also a little relieved because I knew they could probably save me if I started to drown.

Swimming is hard! I have a newfound respect for swimmers. I couldn't go more than one lap without taking a rest. And today I hurt.

And I'm going back and trying again tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Dana said...

I felt the same way when I started swimming this past summer to give legs a break from the running. You not only use a whole set of different muscles but the same muscles you use for running are utilized in an entirely different way in swimming. Kudos for you swimming next to the high school swim team!