Monday, November 26, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Owwwww... my head hurts. I accidently drank a bottle of wine last night. I feel extremely blurry today. I have a very busy day at work tomorrow and I should be spending today getting ready for it... that isn't happening just yet. So far I've been reading running blogs. And cursing myself for being so hungover.
I took my car in this morning for an oil change. I'm notoriously bad about car maintenence. The last time I got my oil changed was in 2005. Oops. Actually it's not as bad as it sounds! Really. Seriously. I only drive about 10 miles a day. The tire also had a nail in it.
Man, I don't feel good AT ALL. Today is going to be long and sucky. Ughghghgh.
I took my car in this morning for an oil change. I'm notoriously bad about car maintenence. The last time I got my oil changed was in 2005. Oops. Actually it's not as bad as it sounds! Really. Seriously. I only drive about 10 miles a day. The tire also had a nail in it.
Man, I don't feel good AT ALL. Today is going to be long and sucky. Ughghghgh.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Baby Steps
I got an email yesterday. Most of the time I don't even bother to read these... but not yesterday.
Yesterday I opened that sucker up.
Yesterday I saw that I could register for the 2008 Tom King half marathon.
Yesterday I registered for the 2008 Tom King half marathon.
I realize that I may be biting off more than I can chew. The half marathon is about 17 1/2 weeks away, and I'm still in a walking boot. I haven't run in about 6 weeks, and it will be at LEAST two more weeks until I come out of the boot... maybe longer.
I think I can do it, though. I've not told anyone that my ultimate goal is a marathon. I've definitely not told anyone (or even said this aloud) that my ultimate ultimate goal is to qualify for Boston.
I hate feeling so stagnant. Signing up for this half marathon feels like a step in the right direction... even if it is a hobbled, boot-encased step.
Yesterday I opened that sucker up.
Yesterday I saw that I could register for the 2008 Tom King half marathon.
Yesterday I registered for the 2008 Tom King half marathon.
I realize that I may be biting off more than I can chew. The half marathon is about 17 1/2 weeks away, and I'm still in a walking boot. I haven't run in about 6 weeks, and it will be at LEAST two more weeks until I come out of the boot... maybe longer.
I think I can do it, though. I've not told anyone that my ultimate goal is a marathon. I've definitely not told anyone (or even said this aloud) that my ultimate ultimate goal is to qualify for Boston.
I hate feeling so stagnant. Signing up for this half marathon feels like a step in the right direction... even if it is a hobbled, boot-encased step.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Me Me
1. Name something you have in common with all your siblings:
Wow... we're all quite different. I have a sister who is 34 and we share the same biological mother... a brother who is 22 and we have the same birth parents... a brother who is 18 months old who I share the same biological father with... and another little brother on the way. And somehow... we all have the same last name in common.
2. What is the greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured?
I have a low tolerance for pain, so there could be multiple answers to this question... although I'll have to say the most pain was getting my tonsils out in 7th grade. I woke up from surgery in a bed full of blood (my IV fell out) and it seemed to go downhill from there.
3. What number of drinks constitutes your limit?
Depends on what I'm drinking... Mixed drinks- 3-4; beer- 6 or so?
4. Do you fold your underwear?
Not really.
5. Have you fired a gun before?
Yes... a BB gun (I think), shooting at a tin can.
6. What was your favorite childhood toy?
I enjoyed playing Barbies... and didn't grow out of that until junior high.
7. Name a sound that disturbs you?
Throught clearing. Smoker's hack. (Ok, so that's two sounds.)
8. Name something random that you would never do.
Audition for a game show. I hate games and I hate being the center of attention.
9. Name a person whose diary you would love to read.
Oooh... that's a hard one. Maybe Lindsay Lohan's. I am a loser, I know.
10. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
Yes... I think. Sometimes I'll have deja vu in my dream, but I don't know if it's just a feeling or if I'm really redreaming something.
11. Name a song that makes you happy.
Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter. It reminds me of high school/college... being silly with my friend Steph, and singing it at the top of our lungs.
12. List three people you could count on NO MATTER WHAT.
Kim, Taylor, Mom
13. If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you do it?
I don't think so... I am pretty squemish. BUT... if the baby's life (and the mother's life) counted on it, I think I could pull through.
14. What do you like about being in a committed relationship?
Stability and security.
15. What do you dislike about being in a committed relationship?
Having to address my flaws and weirdness.
16. Name something you have to do tomorrow:
Figure out what the office is eating for lunch!
17. Name a movie you are looking forward to watching:
Uh... I'm not really a movie person. I look forward to seeing "Once" again.
18. Name something you've heard about women that tends to be true:
We're more empathic.
19. Do you own an iPod?
Yes... a video iPod and a shuffle. Would LOVE an iPhone though...
20. What was the last movie you watched?
Knocked Up.
21. Do any of your friends have children?
None of my close friends do.
22. What CD is currently in your CD player?
"Once" soundtrack.
23. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
1% regular milk.
24. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Yes, just today, actually.
25. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Yesterday (Sunday). I've come to associate Starbucks with my friend that I go to church with. I've always shunned Starbucks (the McDonadlization of America! Evil corporate scum! Ruining the neighborhood coffeeshops!) but my friend is addicted, and we stop there before church on Sundays. Now every Sunday, I find myself craving a latte or some other $4 coffee drink...
26. Can you whistle?
27. Do you have a trampoline in your back yard?
Not anymore, but I used to!
28. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
I think it's human nature... especially right now, since I'm sort of going through some drama.
29. What movie do you know every line to?
None of them... I did not get the gene that allows you to memorize movie lines. I actually have some sort of movie amnesia, and I tend to forget how movies end. Gives the saying, "See it again... for the first time" an entirely new meaning.
30. Where was your last vacation?
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
31. Where is your next vacation?
No plans just yet... I need to plan one soon though, I'm due!
32. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
33. Would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos?
Sure. I don't have any and likely never will, but wouldn't rule that out.
34. What did you do before this?
Drank a beer. Which is probably why this seemed like a good idea...
35. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
On purpose? Hmmm. It's been a while... which is a good thing.
36. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
At least 6. This number is increasing as my age increases. Weird.
37. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite?
Both. I have a dry sense of humor and I'm kind of a smart ass, so guys usually think I'm flirting with them, and girls usually think I'm being a beeotch.
38. Do you sleep on your side, stomach or back?
Usually on my stomach. I think.
39. Do you watch the news?
Sometimes, but it's pretty depressing. I do listen to NPR every morning though.
40. Do you feel alone?
Sometimes... I'm going through a rough spot in my marriage and living at my sister's house right now... so it can get pretty lonely.
Wow... we're all quite different. I have a sister who is 34 and we share the same biological mother... a brother who is 22 and we have the same birth parents... a brother who is 18 months old who I share the same biological father with... and another little brother on the way. And somehow... we all have the same last name in common.
2. What is the greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured?
I have a low tolerance for pain, so there could be multiple answers to this question... although I'll have to say the most pain was getting my tonsils out in 7th grade. I woke up from surgery in a bed full of blood (my IV fell out) and it seemed to go downhill from there.
3. What number of drinks constitutes your limit?
Depends on what I'm drinking... Mixed drinks- 3-4; beer- 6 or so?
4. Do you fold your underwear?
Not really.
5. Have you fired a gun before?
Yes... a BB gun (I think), shooting at a tin can.
6. What was your favorite childhood toy?
I enjoyed playing Barbies... and didn't grow out of that until junior high.
7. Name a sound that disturbs you?
Throught clearing. Smoker's hack. (Ok, so that's two sounds.)
8. Name something random that you would never do.
Audition for a game show. I hate games and I hate being the center of attention.
9. Name a person whose diary you would love to read.
Oooh... that's a hard one. Maybe Lindsay Lohan's. I am a loser, I know.
10. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
Yes... I think. Sometimes I'll have deja vu in my dream, but I don't know if it's just a feeling or if I'm really redreaming something.
11. Name a song that makes you happy.
Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter. It reminds me of high school/college... being silly with my friend Steph, and singing it at the top of our lungs.
12. List three people you could count on NO MATTER WHAT.
Kim, Taylor, Mom
13. If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you do it?
I don't think so... I am pretty squemish. BUT... if the baby's life (and the mother's life) counted on it, I think I could pull through.
14. What do you like about being in a committed relationship?
Stability and security.
15. What do you dislike about being in a committed relationship?
Having to address my flaws and weirdness.
16. Name something you have to do tomorrow:
Figure out what the office is eating for lunch!
17. Name a movie you are looking forward to watching:
Uh... I'm not really a movie person. I look forward to seeing "Once" again.
18. Name something you've heard about women that tends to be true:
We're more empathic.
19. Do you own an iPod?
Yes... a video iPod and a shuffle. Would LOVE an iPhone though...
20. What was the last movie you watched?
Knocked Up.
21. Do any of your friends have children?
None of my close friends do.
22. What CD is currently in your CD player?
"Once" soundtrack.
23. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
1% regular milk.
24. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Yes, just today, actually.
25. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Yesterday (Sunday). I've come to associate Starbucks with my friend that I go to church with. I've always shunned Starbucks (the McDonadlization of America! Evil corporate scum! Ruining the neighborhood coffeeshops!) but my friend is addicted, and we stop there before church on Sundays. Now every Sunday, I find myself craving a latte or some other $4 coffee drink...
26. Can you whistle?
27. Do you have a trampoline in your back yard?
Not anymore, but I used to!
28. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
I think it's human nature... especially right now, since I'm sort of going through some drama.
29. What movie do you know every line to?
None of them... I did not get the gene that allows you to memorize movie lines. I actually have some sort of movie amnesia, and I tend to forget how movies end. Gives the saying, "See it again... for the first time" an entirely new meaning.
30. Where was your last vacation?
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
31. Where is your next vacation?
No plans just yet... I need to plan one soon though, I'm due!
32. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
33. Would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos?
Sure. I don't have any and likely never will, but wouldn't rule that out.
34. What did you do before this?
Drank a beer. Which is probably why this seemed like a good idea...
35. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
On purpose? Hmmm. It's been a while... which is a good thing.
36. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
At least 6. This number is increasing as my age increases. Weird.
37. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite?
Both. I have a dry sense of humor and I'm kind of a smart ass, so guys usually think I'm flirting with them, and girls usually think I'm being a beeotch.
38. Do you sleep on your side, stomach or back?
Usually on my stomach. I think.
39. Do you watch the news?
Sometimes, but it's pretty depressing. I do listen to NPR every morning though.
40. Do you feel alone?
Sometimes... I'm going through a rough spot in my marriage and living at my sister's house right now... so it can get pretty lonely.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
3 more weeks...

Had more x-rays taken yesterday of my cracked ankle... doc says to stay in the walking boot 3 more weeks. He also said it would "be awhile" until I was back running... but swimming would be ok.
I hate swimming. Well, not hate, but it's just such a hassle... go to the pool, change into the skin-sucking Speedo, find an empty lane, walk in front of all those people in your suit, etc. I shoudl also probably mention I haven't swam (swum? See, I don't even know the correct grammar!) laps since swim team. I should probably ALSO mention that I was on the swim team for one day in 6th grade.
I do have an aqua jogger belt... but aqua jogging is so dreadfully boring. I need to figure out some cross training options, though... and learn to love swimming and biking or SOMETHING.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Forced Hiatus
September was my Month O' Running. I really was getting into it... I surprised myself at the Christie Cookie and ran much better than I thought I would. Going into the race, I was hoping to run it in 25:00... and I almost got my goal.
I ran the Party race the next weekend and shaved 1 second off my time. It was a much tougher course than the Cookie race, but I had thought that I maybe had placed in the top 3 in my age group. Of course, that wasn't the case, as I finished 11th in my age group. It did inspire me that maybe I could run faster... so I stepped up my training for the next 5K, the Shelby Bottoms Boogie.
Big mistake.
It's been over a month now since that race. I did well; finished 2nd in my age group and PR'd. Ran sub-8 minute miles for the first time, ever. Unfortunately, during the race, my ankle started bothering me. Really bothering me. I had done two speedwork sessions the prior week and stepped up my milage. My ankle had started hurting the Tuesday prior to the race but I foolishly ignored it.
Lesson learned. After 2.5 weeks of hobbling around with a swollen ankle, I decided it was time to see the doctor. We did some x-rays and plain as day, the stress fracture on my right ankle was discovered. I've been in a walking boot for 3 weeks now, and I'm seeing the doctor for follow-up today. I'm a little concerned, as the ankle still hurts and is still a little swollen. I'm getting really tired of not running... I even catch myself cursing other runners that I see... "Bitch... " Yeah. That's kind of weird.

Bob Lunsford Christie Cookie 5K Run
Date: 9/15/07
Time: 25:36
Place Age: 11
Place Overall: 153
I Run For The Party 5K
Date: 9/22/07
Time: 25:35
Place Age: 8
Overall: 60
Shelby Bottoms Boogie for Recovery 5K
Date: 9/29/07
Time: 23:41
Place Age: 2
Place Overall: 26
Date: 9/15/07
Time: 25:36
Place Age: 11
Place Overall: 153
I Run For The Party 5K
Date: 9/22/07
Time: 25:35
Place Age: 8
Overall: 60
Shelby Bottoms Boogie for Recovery 5K
Date: 9/29/07
Time: 23:41
Place Age: 2
Place Overall: 26
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