Had more x-rays taken yesterday of my cracked ankle... doc says to stay in the walking boot 3 more weeks. He also said it would "be awhile" until I was back running... but swimming would be ok.
I hate swimming. Well, not hate, but it's just such a hassle... go to the pool, change into the skin-sucking Speedo, find an empty lane, walk in front of all those people in your suit, etc. I shoudl also probably mention I haven't swam (swum? See, I don't even know the correct grammar!) laps since swim team. I should probably ALSO mention that I was on the swim team for one day in 6th grade.
I do have an aqua jogger belt... but aqua jogging is so dreadfully boring. I need to figure out some cross training options, though... and learn to love swimming and biking or SOMETHING.
Oh, I know what it feels like to take time off from running. I injured my knee 5 weeks before my first marathon and had to have surgery. Still in recovery. Do all the rehab - stay active and don't lose the gains you've made in fitness.
Found you on the Complete Running Network.
That boot looks familiar...I ran my last marathon with a broken hip and fractured ankle (obviously not knowing either was that bad until it was too late). Aquajogging is indeed boring, but I used to welcome the change of pace. Plus it's weird to sweat in water.
(I found you on CRN too.)
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